Quick Start Guide#

This guide will show you how to get started running the Prometheus Salt extension.

Before You Start#

Ensure Salt 3005 or above is installed and running on your machine.

If you haven’t installed Salt yet, refer to the Salt Installation Guide

Installing the Extension#

Several methods are available for installing the Prometheus Salt extension:

  • Method 1: Using pip

pip install saltext-prometheus


Depending on the Salt version, Salt may not be using the system Python. For those versions, ensure you’re using the Python associated with Salt (typically found at /opt/saltstack/salt/bin/python).

  • Method 2: Using Salt

Use an execution module like:

salt \* pip.install saltext-prometheus

Note: The extension can be installed and used on all minions or specific minions where reporting data is needed

Verify Installation - (Optional)#

Verify that the extension is installed

salt --versions-report

You should see saltext.prometheus listed under Salt extensions.

Getting Started#

After successfully installing the extension, you are prepared to execute Prometheus Salt extension modules.

Example: Apply a test state using the prometheus_textfile as the returner

Create a test.sls file in directory /srv/salt


        - contents: |

Execute the following command

salt \* state.apply test --return prometheus_textfile

You should see an output file created on the minion machine (default location: /var/cache/salt/minion/prometheus_textfile/salt.prom).

Example output file:

salt_last_completed 1.698364953e+09
# HELP salt_version Version of installed Salt package
# TYPE salt_version gauge
salt_version 3006.3
# HELP salt_version_tagged Version of installed Salt package as a tag
# TYPE salt_version_tagged gauge
salt_version_tagged{salt_version="3006.3"} 1.0

Additional Resources#

For more detailed information on functionality, use cases, and configuration, please vist our User Documentation